Procedures for importing dining table stone |

Procedures for importing dining table stone


Stone countertops are now imported a lot and are trusted for the quality it brings. So what are the specific import procedures for stone countertops? Let's find out with SIMBA GROUP through this article!

Information about product

  • Material: The main material of these countertops is mainly marble. This is a metamorphic rock from limestone used a lot in decoration, especially interior decoration. Another reason marble is used so much is that they are easy to clean.
  • Size: Marble dining table tops come in many different sizes. These sizes are usually not fixed but depend on the needs of each person. However, the 1600*900*40mm table top is used a lot because this table top size is suitable for a standard family and meets most of the user's requirements.
  • Main use: Besides making a dining table, this product is also considered an object to decorate your kitchen. Because the stone dining tables have very beautiful veins, highlighting your kitchen.

Procedures for importing countertops

HS code

  • The HS code of the dining table stone is: 94039090, belonging to group 9403.
  • Heading 9403 is the heading of furniture articles and parts thereof.

Legal grounds

  • Decision No. 3950/QD-TCHQ dated November 30, 2015 of the Director General of the General Department of Customs on the List of export goods with risks in value, the List of imported goods with risks in value, and  attached reference prices

Based on the above decision, you can import the stone countertops to Vietnam normally without going through any special import process.

Import Tariffs

The tax schedule when importing dining table stones is as follows:

  • Preferential import tax: 20%
  • VAT (value added tax): 10%
  • Import tax from China when having C/O form E: 0%

Import profile

  • Import customs declaration
  • Commercial Invoice (commercial invoice)
  • Bill of Lading/Air waybill
  • C/O if any
  • Other documents (if any)

Import contact

Above is detailed information about the procedure for importing dining table stones. Hope this article will bring you useful information.

If you need help in handling import and export procedures or you are looking to source quality goods for business. Please contact SIMBA GROUP immediately via hotline: 037.931.1688 for a free consultation.

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